Recipe for Original Georgian Salad with Traditional Ingredients

Georgia is famous not only for its amazing landscapes, but also for its unique cuisine. One of the most popular dishes is the Georgian salad, which impresses with its fresh and intense taste. This simple and healthy salad is perfect for summer days. The combination of juicy tomatoes , crispy cucumbers, red onions, colorful peppers and aromatic coriander make this salad a real feast for the palate. Preparing a Georgian salad is easy and does not require much time. Just a few ingredients and a moment of work in the kitchen to enjoy this unique dish.

Recipe for Original Georgian Salad with Traditional Ingredients
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  • 3 medium tomatoes
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 red chilli
  • 1 bunch of coriander
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Cut the tomatoes into pieces.
  2. Cut cucumbers into slices.
  3. Slice the red onion into thin half-moons.
  4. Remove the seeds from the chili pepper and cut it into small cubes.
  5. Chop the coriander.
  6. In a large bowl, combine tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, chili peppers, and coriander.
  7. Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  8. Gently stir the ingredients to make everything come together.

Preparation time: 15 min

Cooking time: 0 min

Macro nutrients per 100 grams

Calories: 214.2 kcal

Carbohydrate: 12.9 g

Protein: 2.4 g

Fat: 17 g

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Our plans are tailored to your needs, so you don't have to worry about the details. All you have to do is prepare, eat, and savor the healthy and tasty food we suggest.
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About me
And short story about LEET DIET

As a choreographer and aerial gymnast, I had always been interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Diets had been my hobby, but I never truly enjoyed them until I discovered the Keto diet. After reading numerous books about how our bodies work and the benefits of a high-fat, low-carb diet, I decided to give it a try. I never looked back. The Keto lifestyle quickly became my passion, and I began experimenting with new recipes and meal plans. That's when I decided to share my knowledge with the world and created Leet Diet, a website filled with delicious Keto-friendly recipes and helpful tips for anyone looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Picture of me as ballerina and aerial artist