Proteins - Basics and Their Role for the Body

Proteins are a crucial component of any diet. In this article, we will take a closer look at their characteristics, functions in the body, and their importance for physically active people and those wanting to lose weight. You will also learn about the best sources of protein and how to avoid deficiencies or excesses.

Proteins - Basics and Their Role for the Body
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Proteins (also known as proteins) - what is it?

Proteins, also known as proteins, are macronutrients that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. They are made up of amino acids that combine into peptide chains. Proteins are classified as complete or incomplete, depending on the content of all essential amino acids.

The role of protein in the athlete's diet

Proteins are particularly important for athletes and physically active people. They help in the development of muscle mass, tissue regeneration, and repair. The protein requirement for physically active individuals is higher than for those leading a sedentary lifestyle.

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Protein in food

Protein is an essential component of any diet, and its sources can be found both among animal and plant products.

Animal proteins: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy

  • Meat - beef, pork, veal, lamb, horse meat
  • Poultry - chicken, turkey, duck, goose
  • Fish - salmon, tuna, mackerel, cod, trout, sardines
  • Eggs - chicken, quail, ostrich
  • Dairy - milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese (especially aged), whey
  • Plant proteins: legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, plant protein powder

  • Legumes - chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas, soybeans, tempeh, tofu
  • Nuts - almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanut butter
  • Seeds - flaxseed, chia seeds, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin
  • Grains - quinoa, amaranth, bulgur, buckwheat, barley, rye, wheat
  • Plant protein powder - soy, pea, hemp, rice, pumpkin seed protein
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    Protein powder - when to use it?

    Protein powders are dietary supplements that facilitate the delivery of an adequate amount of protein, especially for athletes and physically active individuals. They are also useful for people who have difficulty meeting their protein requirements through food, such as due to dietary restrictions or allergies.

    When to use protein powder:

  • Post-workout - consuming protein after physical exercise supports muscle recovery and rebuilding processes.
  • During a weight loss diet - supplementing with protein can help maintain muscle mass during weight loss.
  • In case of difficulty obtaining enough protein from the diet - vegetarians, vegans, people with food intolerances or allergies to certain protein sources.
  • As an addition to meals - protein powder can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, pancakes, or desserts to increase their nutritional value.
  • Types of protein powders:

  • Whey protein (WPC, WPI, WPH) - derived from milk, fast-absorbing, recommended mainly for athletes.
  • Casein protein - also derived from milk, slow-absorbing, can be used as a snack between meals or before bed.
  • Plant-based protein - soy, pea, rice, hemp, pumpkin seed; great for vegetarians, vegans, and people with lactose intolerance.
  • Egg protein - an alternative for individuals allergic to milk protein, well absorbed, but with lower nutritional value compared to whey protein.
  • Protein and weight loss

    Protein plays a crucial role in the weight loss process. It helps maintain a feeling of fullness, which reduces the risk of overeating. Additionally, protein supports the maintenance of muscle mass during the reduction of body fat, allowing for healthier and more effective weight loss.

    We make meal plans that help you achieve your goals
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    Deficiency and excess of protein

    Both protein deficiency and excess can be harmful to health. Symptoms of protein deficiency include weakness, loss of muscle mass, concentration problems, or difficulties in wound healing. Excessive protein intake can lead to kidney burden, dehydration, digestive disorders, or even an increased risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is important to maintain balance and provide the body with an adequate amount of protein.


    Proteins are an essential component of a healthy diet, especially for physically active people and those wanting to lose weight. It is important to provide the body with an appropriate amount of protein while avoiding deficiencies and excesses. Remember that diverse sources of protein are key to a healthy lifestyle.


  • Campbell, B., Kreider, R. B., Ziegenfuss, T., La Bounty, P., Roberts, M., Burke, D., ... & Antonio, J. (2007). International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: protein and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 4(1), 1-7.
  • Phillips, S. M., & Van Loon, L. J. (2011). Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to optimum adaptation. Journal of sports sciences, 29(sup1), S29-S38.
  • Pasiakos, S. M., McLellan, T. M., & Lieberman, H. R. (2015). The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review. Sports Medicine, 45(1), 111-131.
  • Helms, E. R., Zinn, C., Rowlands, D. S., & Brown, S. R. (2014). A systematic review of dietary protein during caloric restriction in resistance trained lean athletes: a case for higher intakes. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 24(2), 127-138.
  • We make meal plans that help you achieve your goals
    Our plans are tailored to your needs, so you don't have to worry about the details. All you have to do is prepare, eat, and savor the healthy and tasty food we suggest.
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    About me
    And short story about LEET DIET

    As a choreographer and aerial gymnast, I had always been interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Diets had been my hobby, but I never truly enjoyed them until I discovered the Keto diet. After reading numerous books about how our bodies work and the benefits of a high-fat, low-carb diet, I decided to give it a try. I never looked back. The Keto lifestyle quickly became my passion, and I began experimenting with new recipes and meal plans. That's when I decided to share my knowledge with the world and created Leet Diet, a website filled with delicious Keto-friendly recipes and helpful tips for anyone looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

    Picture of me as ballerina and aerial artist