Shaping our food choices: factors influencing what we eat

Food choices have a significant impact on our health and lifestyle, affecting our weight, well-being, and overall health. Decisions about what we eat are shaped by a variety of factors, such as culture, economics, environment, and emotions. In this article, we explore how these factors influence our approach to food and how we can use them to make better nutritional choices.

Shaping our food choices: factors influencing what we eat
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Increasing consumer awareness and clean labels

Increasingly, people are paying attention to the ingredients and production processes of their food. Consumers are seeking products with simple, clear labels that contain only natural, healthy ingredients. This trend, called 'clean labeling,' forces manufacturers to disclose more information about their products, allowing consumers to make more informed choices.

Globalization of cuisine and cooking trends

Travel and cultural diversity have influenced the evolution of cuisine around the world. New flavors, cooking techniques, and ingredients from different countries are becoming more accessible, leading to experimentation with different dishes. The popularity of cooking shows and food blogs further fuels interest in cuisine.

We make meal plans that help you achieve your goals
Our plans are tailored to your needs, so you don't have to worry about the details. All you have to do is prepare, eat, and savor the healthy and tasty food we suggest.
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Advancements in technology and biotechnology

Advancements in food production technologies enable the creation of new products that are healthier, tastier, and more durable. Biotechnology allows for the cultivation of plants and animals with better characteristics, such as higher nutritional value or better disease resistance.

Superfoods and functional foods

Superfoods, which are foods with high nutritional value and a beneficial impact on health, have become extremely popular. People are increasingly reaching for fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds that are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Functional foods, which aim to support health and prevent diseases, are also gaining popularity. Examples of such foods include probiotics, fiber, or products with added vitamins and minerals.

Food delivery, food trucks, and healthy fast food

Modern technology and the fast pace of life have contributed to the popularity of fast food. Services such as food delivery, food trucks, and healthy options in fast-food chains cater to the need for quick and tasty meals. In response to growing health awareness, many restaurants offer healthier alternatives to traditional fast food, such as salads, fruit smoothies, or vegetable-based dishes.

We make meal plans that help you achieve your goals
Our plans are tailored to your needs, so you don't have to worry about the details. All you have to do is prepare, eat, and savor the healthy and tasty food we suggest.
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Fair trade and environmental concern

In today's world, more and more consumers are paying attention to fair trade and sustainable development. By purchasing products labeled as fair trade, we support producers and workers in developing countries while also caring for the environment. An ecological approach to food production, such as pesticide-free farming or sustainable fishing, is gaining more recognition.

Factors influencing food choices

Our food choices are largely driven by energy needs, appetite, and taste preferences. Different people have different requirements and preferences that influence what they choose to eat.

Income, prices, and availability of products have a significant impact on what we eat. People with lower incomes may have limited access to healthy foods due to their higher prices.

The environment in which we live also influences our food choices. The availability of stores, restaurants, and markets with local products can determine what we eat.

Traditions, beliefs, and religion influence our food preferences. Attachment to local dishes and recipes can affect what we eat on a daily basis.

The influence of family, friends, and social groups on our food choices cannot be ignored. We often eat what our loved ones eat, and social pressure can influence our decisions about food. Social events and family gatherings also shape our food preferences.

Emotions, habits, and personal values play a significant role in food choices. Stress, sadness, or happiness can affect what we eat and how much we consume. In addition, values and beliefs, such as concern for health, animals, or the environment, can influence our choice of products and how we prepare them.


Various factors influence our food choices, and understanding them can help us develop better, healthier habits. By considering physiological, economic, physical, cultural, social, and psychological aspects, we can consciously choose products that support our health and well-being.

We make meal plans that help you achieve your goals
Our plans are tailored to your needs, so you don't have to worry about the details. All you have to do is prepare, eat, and savor the healthy and tasty food we suggest.
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  • Farrow, C. V., Haycraft, E., & Blissett, J. M. (2015). Teaching our children when to eat: how parental feeding practices inform the development of emotional eating—a longitudinal experimental design. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 101(5), 908-913.
  • Rozin, P., & Vollmecke, T. A. (1986). Food likes and dislikes. Annual review of nutrition, 6(1), 433-456.
  • Steptoe, A., Pollard, T. M., & Wardle, J. (1995). Development of a measure of the motives underlying the selection of food: the food choice questionnaire. Appetite, 25(3), 267-284.
  • Story, M., Kaphingst, K. M., Robinson-O'Brien, R., & Glanz, K. (2008). Creating healthy food and eating environments: policy and environmental approaches. Annual review of public health, 29, 253-272.
We make meal plans that help you achieve your goals
Our plans are tailored to your needs, so you don't have to worry about the details. All you have to do is prepare, eat, and savor the healthy and tasty food we suggest.
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About me
And short story about LEET DIET

As a choreographer and aerial gymnast, I had always been interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Diets had been my hobby, but I never truly enjoyed them until I discovered the Keto diet. After reading numerous books about how our bodies work and the benefits of a high-fat, low-carb diet, I decided to give it a try. I never looked back. The Keto lifestyle quickly became my passion, and I began experimenting with new recipes and meal plans. That's when I decided to share my knowledge with the world and created Leet Diet, a website filled with delicious Keto-friendly recipes and helpful tips for anyone looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Picture of me as ballerina and aerial artist